The Full Monty!

A couple of my friends have front row tickets to the Chippendales tonight, heaven help the dancers.  I personally can’t think of anything worse and for once I’m grateful that I wasn’t invited.  I’ve been to strippers twice in my life.  I’m far from a prude but didn’t enjoy it.  To be honest it made me feel awkward and embarrassed. The first may have something to do with the stripper being the younger brother of a classmate in high school!  Eeek!  That was all a bit too weird.

Men wiggling their stuff in gold lame posing pouches does nothing for me. Okay, I must admit I was impressed when he used his Todger as a towel rail but horrified when he used it as a drink stirrer!   The female audiences on the other hand were very entertaining.  I don’t know if it’s the drink coupled with a pack mentality but women turn into complete and utter animals and some of the things they do!

Women are far wilder than men.  I spent a lot of time in a seedy female strip club in University, before you get the wrong idea; my best friend’s partner was the bartender.  We only went for the cheap drinks and the billiards table.  The atmosphere, if you’ve never experienced it is drastically different, men sitting around having a pint, maybe reading the paper, a bit of lunch and really not paying that much attention to the girls except the odd glance.  You did get the odd drunken lout but for the most part the men are fairly well behaved.

So why are they so different?

Do strippers do it for you?

I’d love to hear any funny tales you have (not too x rated please as this is a family site)

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